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Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi built the Citadel in 1176, with the promise to defend Egypt’s place in time as ‘the Victorious’. And so, it did. The seat of government and influence for almost seven centuries (1206-1874), Salah al-Din citadel was the stage on which Egypt’s formidable history unfolded, from the Ayyubid period and throughout the Mamluk, Ottoman, and Muhammad Ali dynasties.

In 1976, Historic Cairo was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, within which Salah al-Din Citadel is the most significant monument. With this prestigious recognition, a promise was made to the global community to defend and protect this unique site for future generations.

Against the backdrop of a bygone era, Salah al-Din Citadel continues to be an international beacon of heritage and culture, and an essential destination for both tourists and locals in Egypt. From its heart, a contemporary culture emerges, fostering social, cultural, and economic partnerships. The walls, once a physical symbol of protection, are now a haven, embracing, supporting, and bringing together visionaries in a safe and fertile space of creativity and collaboration.